Book an Appointment with a health professional or appropriate service at The bridge Group Practice.

The Bridge Group Practice

Orchard Health Centre
210 Orchard Road

Elliottt Chappell Health Centre
215, Hessle Road
01482 30384001482 303840

Answer: This is the answer.

Venn PCN logo


The following sections provide  information on how to chose the best service for your needs. Our patients can access primary care services via virtual, remote or, if appropriate, face-to-face interactions.

Help Us to Help You


Access Care More Conveniently

Pharmacists are able to offer a breadth of support to patients close to home thanks to a new service that allows them to supply  medications for certain conditions.

Pharmacists are now allowed to supply medications for:

  • Sinusitis in those aged 12 years and over
  • Sore throat in those aged 5 years and over
  • Earache in those between 1 and 17 years old
  • Infected insect bite
  • Impetigo
  • Shingles in those over 18 years old
  • Uncomplicate urinary tract infections (UTIs in women aged 16-64
Accurx Image

Our Accurx online system is the fastest way to get advice from your GP or to contact us about an admin matter - and you may not need to come for an appointment, All online contacts are reviewed by one of our GPs. This will be your usual GP if available on the day the Accurx is received. 

Normally, responses are provided to you the next working day. This may be advice, a prescription, an appointment, referral to another service or a request for tests. Accurx is completely secure and approved by NHS England. Click the button below to access the service:


Nurse & GP Appointments


xtended Hours publicity poster

Extended Access is an extension of your GP practice and offers routine and same day appointments with a range of clinicians including GPs, Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals. 

Our practices within the PCN will be able to provide enhanced access appointments between the hours of 6.30pm to 8pm Mondays to Fridays and between 9am and 5pm Saturdays and Sundays.

Please be aware you may not see your regular clinician; all clinicians will have full access to your records and all information following your appointment will be available for your regular surgery to access. 

Please see the Orchard Centre & Elliott Chappell Health Centre pages (links below) for further details. Patients need to contact our RECEPTION to access this service. 



With the NHS App, you can check your symptoms and get immediate advice. You can also book appointments at your GP practice, order repeat prescriptions, view your medical record and more.  To use the NHS App you must be aged 13 or over and registered with a GP surgery in England.

Home Visits

Most medical problems can be dealt with at the surgery, and patients are generally encouraged to attend the practice for a consultation with their doctor, if at all possible.

However, we fully understand that some conditions or circumstances make surgery attendance impossible. In such cases we would ask that you phone the surgery before 10am.

Away from home?

If you're away from home and need to see a GP, you can contact any GP surgery nearby.

You can receive emergency treatment from a GP surgery for up to 14 days – for example, if you fall ill while on holiday. If your treatment will last longer than that, you'll have to register as a temporary or permanent resident.

You can register as a temporary resident if you're in the area for longer than 24 hours but less than 3 months. If you'll be in the area for longer than 3 months, you'll have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice.

>> NHS FURTHER INFORMATION>> NHS 111 online>> call nhs 111>> find a pharmacy>> sexual health gum clinic>> services a -z>> urgent treatment centre>> emergencies>> your health control panel

Translation Services

The move to remote consultation and use of PPE in face-to-face consultations requires additional considerations. For example, the impact of PPE on lip reading.

The GOV.UK website provides advice for the public and is translated into multiple languages. The Doctors of the World has translated relevant NHS guidance into 60 languages. Communication tips and BSL interpreters are available for supporting people with hearing loss to access general practice services

Armed Forces Veterans

If you are a veteran of the UK Armed Forces, the NHS is here to help improve your health and wellbeing and keep you mentally and physically well. It is also here to help you get better when you are ill and, when you cannot fully recover, to stay as well as you can until the end of your life.

Download the Charter by clicking the link below