The Bridge Group Practice.
Elliottt Chappell Health Centre
215, Hessle Road
01482 30384001482 303840
Answer: This is the answer.
The Bridge Group Practice is operated by a team of dedicated health professionals, highly trained staff and an experienced management team.
Patient care is our focus. In delivering high quality care we work with a multiplicity of other agencies - including hospitals, local authority services and in wider partnerships.
Understanding the needs of our patients and listening to their views is a process that we actively embrace, not just in Patient Group meetings - but in every interaction on a daily basis.
Our Doctors
Dr Marion J Brown (F) MBChB ( Aberdeen 1986) DRCOG DCCh
Dr Ahmad Siddiqui (M) MBBS (Karachi 1980) LMSSA (London (1986)
Dr Sirajuddin Naiman (M) MBBS (Andhra Pradesh 1997) MRCGP (London 2011)
Dr Hammad Rehman (M) MBBS, MRCGP
Dr Bhuwan Subedi (M) MBBS (India) 1998
Elaine Harrison Practice Manager
Sarah Tyler Assistant Practice Manager
For our practice, the average pay for our 1 full time and 3 part time GP's was £96.881.75. These figures are taken from the financial year 2023/24, this amount was calculated before tax and National Insurance deductions.